People Analytics Training

We contribute to building a better world through enhanced people-analytics decisions by offering customized training programs designed specifically for HR departments seeking to elevate their own people-analytics services.

Empowering Organizations: Customized People-Analytics Training with Anthro

At Anthro, we offer comprehensive training programs aimed at empowering organizations to harness the full potential of people-analytics. Our training modules encompass a range of essential skills, including the development, administration, and analysis of people-analytic tools and data. With a specialization in assessment, survey, data analytics, and program evaluation training, we equip HR departments with the necessary expertise to elevate their analytics capabilities.


Our approach to customized training is centered on understanding the unique needs of each organization. We collaborate closely with our clients to gain insights into their specific requirements, tailoring training programs accordingly. Through this collaborative process, we ensure that the training we deliver is precisely aligned with organizational objectives and challenges.


Anthro’s customized training programs are designed to empower organizations to independently undertake essential people-analytics functions. Whether it’s developing proprietary tools, administering surveys, or analyzing data, our training equips participants with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate these tasks proficiently. By imparting practical expertise and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making, we empower organizations to drive positive change and achieve their strategic goals through enhanced people-analytics capabilities.


What is covered in this training?
  • How to identify appropriate content to assess in your multiple-choice selection test
  • How to write multiple-choice test questions
  • How to avoid common pitfalls when writing multiple-choice test questions
  • How to avoid bias in your multiple-choice test questions
  • How to write comprehensive test instructions
  • Hands-on experience of writing and reviewing test questions
  • How to identify which questions are performing well/badly (introduction to item analysis)
Why attend?
  • To learn how to create your own selection tests
  • To make sure your multiple-choice selection tests are fair and valid
Who should take this training?
  • HR specialists responsible for developing or quality assuring subject-specific multiple-choice selection tests (e.g. job-specific selection tests, civil service examinations, etc.)
  • Subject matter experts tasked with writing subject-specific multiple-choice selection test questions
How is the course delivered?
  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform
How long does it take and what does it cost?
  • 1-day max 12 participants
  • $ 2,500 USD
What else could we provide?
  • Train-the-trainer format available

What is covered in this training?

  • How to identify appropriate content to assess in your constructed response selection test
  • How to write constructed response test questions
  • How to avoid common pitfalls when writing constructed response test questions
  • How to avoid bias in your constructed response test questions
  • How to devise and use a constructed response mark scheme
  • How to write test instructions
  • How to grade candidates’ constructed response answers
  • Hands-on experience of writing and reviewing constructed response test questions and grading constructed response answers

Why attend?

  • To learn how to create your own constructed response selection tests
  • To make sure your constructed response selection tests are fair and valid

Who should take this training?

  • HR specialists responsible for developing or quality assuring subject-specific constructed response selection tests (e.g. job-specific selection tests, civil service examinations, etc.)
  • Subject matter experts tasked with writing and/or grading subject-specific constructed response selection test questions

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 1-day max 12 participants
  • $ 2,500 USD

What else could we provide?

  • Train-the-trainer format available

What is covered in this training?

  • How to design a multiple mini interview process from beginning to end
  • How to identify appropriate content to assess in your multiple mini interviews
  • Hands-on experience developing multiple mini interview stations
  • How to develop assessment criteria
  • How to manage your peer-review and piloting process
  • How to avoid bias in your multiple mini interviews

Why attend?

  • Learn the latest valid and reliable interview methods
  • To learn how to create your own multiple mini interviews

Who should take this training?

  • HR specialists responsible for the design and implementation of their organization’s selection tools
  • Subject matter experts tasked with designing multiple mini interviews

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 4 to 5-days; max. 30 participants
  • $ 5,500 USD

What else could we provide?

  • Train-the-trainer format also available

What is covered in this training?

  • Techniques to determine if your tests and individual test questions are valid, reliable, and fair
  • How to apply classical test theory to tell if your tests meet accepted standards
  • How to apply item-response theory to tell if your tests meet accepted standards
  • How to prepare your data for item analysis (question analysis)
  • How to run an item analysis in MS Excel (as well as other packages)
  • How to interpret your item analysis data
  • What to do with your item analysis data

Why attend?

  • Learn how to check if your organization’s assessments are indeed valid, fair, and reliable

Who should take this training?

  • HR specialists involved in the design and implementation of their organization’s selection tools
  • Anyone involved in the administration of civil services examinations who would like to know more

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 2 days; max. 12 participants
  • $ 4,000 USD

What else could we provide?

  • We also provide psychometric test analysis services. You provide the raw test data and we will give you feedback on your test


What is covered in this training?

  • How to effectively plan and design a survey
  • How to write robust survey questions
  • How to minimize bias in your surveys
  • How to pilot your survey
  • How to administer your survey
  • How to analyze your survey results
  • How to interpret your survey results
  • How to communicate your results

Why attend?

  • Surveys and questionnaire design may seem straightforward. However, there are many pitfalls that might call your results into question. This training course will help you on your way towards becoming a survey master.

Who should take this training?

  • Anyone in an organization developing or implementing large scale surveys

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 2 days;  max. 12 participants
  • $ 3,000 USD

What else could we provide?

  • We can also design, administer and analyse a survey for you.  Contact us to find out more.


What is covered in this training?

  • How multivariate statistics can help you solve real-world problems
  • What methods to use depending on your questions and the available data
  • How to interpret the results of various statistical methods (real-world examples)
  • How real-time data and data dashboarding provide real insights
  • What you need to know about machine learning and artificial intelligence in the workplace
  • How infographics help communicate your results to lay audiences

Why attend?

  • You will learn how to leverage your organization’s data and gain novel insights into how to solve real-world problems.

Who should take this training?

  • Those interested in advanced HR metrics and people analytics

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 2 days max; 12 participants
  • $ 4,000 USD

What else could we provide?

  • If your data needs to subjected to independent analysis, our highly-qualified professionals can also provide a suite of data analytic services.


What is covered in this training?

  • What is evaluation?
  • Why evaluate?
  • Why and how to randomize?
  • How to conduct a needs assessment
  • What are your available logical frameworks, and theories of change
  • What are common threats and pitfalls in programme evaluation
  • How to incorporate randomized experiments into existing program designs
  • How to determine sample size and measure outcomes
  • How to analyze your data analysis and interpret the results
  • How to communicate your policy impact and do outreach

Why attend?

  • You will learn how to determine if your policy interventions are effective or not based on actual evidence

Who should take this training?

  • Those who have to demonstrate to their stakeholders that their programmes are effective and impactful

How is the course delivered?

  • in-person training, or
  • via an internet-based video-conferencing platform

How long does it take and what does it cost?

  • 4 days max; 24 participants
  • $ 4,500 USD

What else could we provide?

  • We also provide programme evaluation services should you want the impact of your interventions independently assessed


The training course on how to write formal assessments was very valuable and a lot of fun. It was good to get a better understanding of the theory of testing in terms of validity, reliability and fairness and the introduction to item analysis was very useful.


I never knew that there were so many things you need to consider when it comes to test design!” It was helpful to look at common mistakes because I think we have all made these kinds of errors. I enjoyed taking the end of workshop quiz.  It showed that we had learnt a lot!


I really thought that building a survey was the easiest thing in the world. Having done the survey training with Anthro, I now realise there is so much more to it. Our trainer highlighted the many mistakes you can make when writing survey questions that I wasn’t even aware of. She also showed us all the common mistakes survey designers make, which can really compromise your results. There was so much useful information in this workshop from how to start planning a survey, to how long it should be, and how to make sense of the results. What I like most is how they made us think about our survey from back to front, first really giving thought to what outcome we were after, and then reverse engineering from there. So clever. I would highly recommend this training to anyone that builds, administers, and analyzes surveys and/or questionnaires on behalf of their organization.



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